Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Help! How do I do this?

I just added my name to Rhoda at Southern Hospitality. When I click on the other names on the list it takes me to the post they want to show. When you click on mine it takes you to my whole blog? Confused about what I mean? I am too, Im not sure how else to describe it though. I want to set it up so when you click on my nam eit takes me JUST to what I want to show. Can anyone help me figure this out?

Toe update

No surgery needed says the doc. But he also says it will heal crooked. Um, not what I wanted to hear, I broke it and twisted the bone at the same time and it is really stickin out there. I wans't very impressed with him at all, he said you might want to wrap that, gave me some tape and said see you in 6 weeks. Now where do I tape it? Where the break is, or up at the top of the toe to straighten it? For how long, how tight? He was not a person you could talk to. I am laid off but I do factory work, a crooked toe and steel toe boots dont mesh well ya know? Add walking and walking and walking on concrete... I'm calling the dr my son saw when he broke his arm cause I dont expect it to be perfect but I do want to be able to WEAR SHOES! Is that too much to ask? See the top of the little toe? It is usually right up against the next toe.

thrifty finds

I absolutely love going to yard sales and thrift stores. I remember going to yard sales with my mom, years ago and I really miss her being gone. But the tradition has continued, my daughters seek them out and sometimes I can drag my son along, but not very often. I found this adorable shelf for $5.00, its white and it may end up black. These little bowls were 50cents each and are perfect for the bathroom. One had cotton balls in it and the other nail clippers and it fits perfectly in the shelf. I'm not sure what the two holes in the shelf are for? The cotton balls bowl looks like there's something brown on it and I don't know why, there is nothing there, must be a reflection. My best find was this towel rack. It was at the SA and I've been eyeballing it for some time. It was $45, then $35 and while I liked it, I didn't like it THAT much. Last time I went and it was down to $5.00!! SCORE!!! It is slanted and rubber protectors on the part that leans up against the wall, has 3 rungs and 2 shelves. My original plan was to paint it black and use it to display quilts. Then I realized I didn't really have room for it until I get some other projects done, so of course its in the bathroom with towels on it. I found more but I'm saving them for next week. So come back and visit. Well darn it all, I deleted the towel rack pictures, why did I do that? Guess I'll take some tomorrow and post then then.